VHS Labyrinth
This project brings together the ancient form of the Labyrinth and the re-purposing of redundant technology.
My interest in Labyrinths started with the discovery of an exhibition catalogue from “The Art of Threading One’s Way through Life, the Labyrinth Myth and Reality”. The form of the Unicursal Maze, or Labyrinth, winding around, before reaching its centre, has existed all over the world since ancient times; used in religious ceremonies and, more recently, as a practice for meditation and mindfulness. Having visited and filmed many Labyrinths I found the experience of walking them very relaxing.
Previous works titled ‘Video Home Standard Re-Purposed’ include furniture made from VHS tapes, workshops for VIDEOVADA and installations and videos.
Visitors to the VHS Labyrinth are invited to mindfully follow the labyrinthine path of VHS tapes towards a holographic projection at the centre, while reflecting on our shared media past.
Shown at Directors Cut, The Art behind the Artist-Led space,
Ovada Warehouse, 7 -23 April 2017.
- Opening of Directors Cut
- Vhs labyrinth, photo George QP
- Looking at the Hologram, photo George QP
- The Hologram, photo George Q-P
Documentation of VHS Labyrinth, OVADA Gallery 2017
VHS Labyrinth, Directors Cut Show, OVADA Gallery 2017 from ad pawley on Vimeo.
Labyrinths I’ve walked
Layered video of two labyrinths.
The Turf Maze in Safrom Waldon Walked in Summer 2015.
The Circular Labyrinth in the Eilenriede, Hannover, walked in December 2015.
Water Air Labyrinth
A 3-D animated journey through a virtual labyrinth with water texturing the walls and a Glowing Globe of Video Feed-back at the centre.
Sound track, Hornskin by the Aquabats.